Zlot: Cars and Coffee XXL

Zlot: Cars and Coffee XXL

Ostatni weekend sprzyjał wielu motoryzacyjnym spotkaniom. Jednym z najciekawszych był zlot Cars and Coffee XXL w Amsterdamie. Formuła imprezy znana z USA przeniesiona na holenderski grunt okazała się trafionym pomysłem. Szeroka gama samochodów i przyjazna atmosfera to główne zalety zlotu, na którym można było zobaczyć nie tylko Lamborghini Diablo Roadster i 670-konne Ferrari 599 GTO!

Fotografie wykonał Mathijs en Kevin

Event: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXL
Event: Cars and Coffee XXLEvent: Cars and Coffee XXL

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